September 4, 2023


Conversion: The problem with certainty is that you only find it through the realization that there is no way forward from here. Its chief characteristic is that one sees that one has been referring to the wrong mechanics. Belief is just now pivoting in a full reversal, away from its quest.


Memoir: the final privilege of crowd-mongers who can at least sell the knots they’ve tied themselves into.


Courtesy is the art of resisting one’s natural facial expressions. Sincere affection and respect require no such assistance.


Alphabet: laying symbols down on the table in a risky attempt to be fully understood. Omegabet: realizing


Advertising your ethics is a strategic use of … what? Not ethics.


The Joyce Ulysses: Take a paperback copy of Franny and Zoey, put it in a blender full of warm milk and honey, give it three slow pulses, add a shot of Whiskey, and then read while slowly pouring the drink into your glass. Drink, let sit for twenty minutes, and then just say whatever you want to say to freely feel the freedom of being freed from someone else’s stream of conscious knick-knacks by indulging in one’s own.


Hierarchical betrayal: A failure to pretend to be someone else.


The Articles of War: Either there is “this not that” literalism, or there is “this, that … and the difference maker,” figuratively speaking. There is “the” one and only right word for the literalist, a defensive behavior initiated by the symbolist’s offensive use of that word as “a” steppingstone.


Economics of Stand-up Comedy: Inexhaustible supply; exhaustible demand.


Apocryphal: a) a failed attempt to bend enough ears to form one’s own sect; b) the weaker of two weak stories about “our” founding.


A public message from Euclid: Never cut corners; every triangle depends upon it. #maxim