Enclothed Cognition


“Enclothed cognition” is a term that refers to the systematic influence that clothing has on a wearer’s psychological processes. It’s based on the symbolic meaning that the clothes have for the individual, as well as the physical experience of wearing them.

Explanation: Enclothed cognition is an intersection between symbolic interactionism and embodied cognition. Symbolic interactionism recognizes that objects, such as clothing, that have meaning can influence behavior. Embodied cognition argues that mental processes are deeply rooted in the body’s interactions with the world. Combine these two, and you get enclothed cognition, where the clothes you wear can affect how you think and behave.

For example, in a study conducted by Hajo Adam and Adam D. Galinsky, participants who wore a white lab coat described as a “doctor’s coat” performed better on attention-related tasks than those wearing the same white lab coat described as a “painter’s coat.” The symbolic association with a doctor’s precision and care seemed to cause a change in the wearer’s behavior.

Critical Analysis: The concept of enclothed cognition is fascinating, but it also raises questions and warrants careful scrutiny.

  1. Subjectivity of Symbolism: The symbolic meaning of clothing can be highly individual and culturally dependent. What a specific garment represents to one person may differ significantly from what it represents to another. This subjectivity might limit the generalizability of research findings.
  2. Causation vs. Correlation: While studies have shown correlations between clothing and cognitive processes, establishing a clear causal relationship can be more complex. Other underlying factors might contribute to the observed effects.
  3. Practical Applications and Ethical Considerations: Understanding enclothed cognition could have applications in various fields, from education to business. However, the manipulation of cognition through clothing might also raise ethical considerations, particularly if used in manipulative or coercive ways.

In conclusion, enclothed cognition represents a provocative intersection between psychology, sociology, and fashion. It reflects the complex ways in which our external appearance is interwoven with our internal mental states, but also invites continued critical inquiry and research.

  1. Wikipedia
  2. Research Paper: Look for the paper titled “Enclothed Cognition” by Adam D. Galinsky and Hajo Adam, published in the “Journal of Experimental Social Psychology” in 2012. This paper is fundamental to the study of enclothed cognition and is likely accessible through academic databases.
  3. Books on Embodied Cognition:
  4. Books on Symbolic Interactionism:

See Twilight of the Idols, Aphorism #25.