Dignity, when armored too heavily, collapses under the weight of its own self-importance. To defend it at all costs often means amplifying the indignity it…
Author: CognoVortex
The Comfort of Fog: Seeing the Stage, Not the Scaffolding
Our minds are circumscribed by our immediate reality but we stop at the thought of it. ~ A Human Strategy The mind often behaves like…
The Beauty of Failure: Tragedy Thrives on Inefficiency
Consider tragedy as a grand, relentless amplification of inefficiency: an exploration of every missed mark, every moment laden with potential that falters and falls short….
Entropy’s Trampoline: The Mechanics of “Free” Life
“Opposition brings concord; out of discord comes the fairest harmony.” ~ Heraclitus In the bouncing pulse of life, we find what appears to be freedom—an…
Cogito, Ergo Dubito: The Machinery of Doubt as Thought
“Dubito, ergo cogito; cogito, ergo sum dubitator-dubitando” / “I doubt, therefore I think; I think, therefore, I am a doubter-doubting” — this modern rendering sharpens…
The Erosion of Quiet Desperation: Henry David Thoreau’s Hidden Wound
“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” — Henry David Thoreau Desperation left unspoken has a special kind of dignity; it cloaks itself…
Darwin’s Theorem
Darwin’s theorem, stripped to its barest implication: survival is adaptation, not grandeur. The mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex, apex predator, succumbed to external forces beyond its control—cosmic,…
The Ghost in the Premise: Pain as Hidden Arbiter of Action
The body’s pains, like its pleasures, often occupy a less conspicuous role than they deserve—as ghostly premises behind our choices, intentions, and delays. Think of…
The Borrowed Illumination: Seeing the Vortex of Information with a Local Eye
To the local, the known neighborhood glows in intricate shades, layers of personal details and familiar intricacies. Beyond it, the unfamiliar places—the lives, cultures, and…
Valéry’s Contradiction: The Gift of Deprivation
“I owe everything to what everything now deprives me of.” —Paul Valéry In the strange calculus of self-formation, one might say that what a person…