August 27 – 31, 2023


Truth is any otherwise plain fact which is currently in high demand.


Now: Precisely wherever you are. Here: Precisely now.


Aphorisms are highlights from a long and complicated dispute between an assumption to the throne of Self and the inherited rules that prevent ascension.


An Occasion for the Self:

  • Presentation: a “thing-itself.” Representation: the memory of a “thing-itself,” which is really just a presentation with references.
  • A philosophical comprehension of a Self ends the thrill. The actual experience out of which a later recollection requires an agent to complete its narrative now represents an empty socket into which all “agents” of the self – all events-electric – fit. The thrill under recollection can pretend all it wants but it cannot be itself that original thrill, although it is this thrill that the representation evokes and which we can now hold onto, if we resist making a trophy of its representation.
  • The experience of the self depends upon an original presentation, now gripped in representation, while simultaneously feeling what oozes through the comprehension as its own experience. The experience of a defined Self is the third wring of a memory sponge.
  • The Selfless Soul: an opossum that resurrects its power of survival by playing dead.


Prior to any question of conscience: Is this a goal or relief from an addiction?


The last thing an unchecked motive needs is a sprinter, but moral outrage can no longer crawl forward on its hands and knees.


At a certain altitude, attempted justifications for human sorting machines achieve legal protection.


“But those are mere words” can lift a veil from the meanest of mechanics, but usually it’s just another blunder of the same type, once again confusing an indulgence in immediate power with actual sustainability over extended ramifications.


Utter hopelessness can sometimes be superior to little rays of hope. Often the bright point of light is only a reflection off of a well-polished wall. When the light source is at one’s back, every little bit of added deception progresses to that final fatigue.


The only choices are between value systems. Where one knows how to value options one is freed from the agony of choice.


The advantaged ride on the magic carpet of errors ever forgiven by their ever-updated designations as the cost of membership.


Revolution begins when our history has had enough of their future.


Power is greater than Posture. But this is only ultimately true if one knows the difference. If one does not, the power from posturing will be thrown away and the catalyst for blunder preserved.


An aphorism wants to feel superior. It is a civilized observation of a conflict between primal urges. Its achievement is like a photo of a cowboy about to rope a calf: while there are many who will sympathize with the constrained, afficionados will bite on the reins to wrangle a halo over their heads.


A shift in a political party is not unrelated to the re-positioning of bookmarks within the historical record.