August 19, 2023


Genius shovels loads of pleasure into the furnace, to the maximum, so that discipline’s hard labor cannot feel itself to be so deserving that it melts this engine to the machine. Genius shovels loads of pleasure into the furnace, to the maximum, so that discipline’s hard labor cannot feel itself to be so deserving that it melts this engine to the machine with anti-indulgence indulgence.


“Ethics” evolves as a necessary remedy for the negative influences of random cultural inheritance, unless one’s inheritance was neither random nor negative, in which case the former will have to use a different word … speak an entirely different language.


Genuine ethics evolves as one’s remedy for the negative influences of random cultural inheritance, unless others’ inheritance was neither random nor negative, in which case one will have to use the word “ethics” within an entirely different language.


A win-win-wink situation: when immature business rivals mutually profit from the ignorance of the same dupe.

Win-win: the mature professionalism that refrains from winking.


In the shadow of the Golden Rule: to give another, out of a concern for fairness, anything other than what you know they would really love.


Forgetfulness is a form of time travel.


Errors are royal and need no permission.


Those who cannot be afraid of the false self had better be afraid of a real god. If the Kingdom of God is not within one, it is imperative that one’s unexamined impulses stay within the confines of some Kingdom or other. The survival of civilization depends upon it.