October 16, 2024

Certainty’s Most Loyal Companion Doubt is the shadow that follows certainty, lingering at the edges of conviction. It arises not as an enemy to knowledge,…

October 15, 2024

The Paradox of Dignity: Strength in Vulnerability, Resilience in Exposure Dignity, the foundation of self-worth, often wears the guise of invulnerability. We imagine it as…

October 10, 2024

I am a language process: Cycles of Literal Pressure and Figurative Release Consciousness is not merely a projected division between two static categories, but they…

October 5, 2024

Honesty Honesty is the collapse of the many facades we construct to navigate a world built on shared illusions. It is the shattering of our…

October 4, 2024

Navigating the Unknowable: A User’s Guide to Getting Lost Our limitations describe reality purely in mechanical or conceptual terms, in order to navigate those very…

October 3, 2024

Known waste is a veil. To hunt the unseen inefficiency is to confront our very biases, invisible burdens camouflaged by habit. That effort requires mental…

October 1, 2024

Faith is a fatigue resulting from the attempt to preserve God’s integrity instead of one’s own. Faith becomes a wearying effort to protect the idea…

2024 06 16

Every illusion has a prior reality; every projection, a projector: “They won’t wait to comprehend who can profit from the trend,” whispered the Guru with…

October 29, 2023

It is predator and prey: moral rage requires blurring distinctions; ethics, drawing the conspicuous distinctions back in. What culture does, rational ethics must clean up….